Team Balances |
Monday 13th May 2013 |
The following teams must settle the following negative balances by Tuesday 21 May 2013 or late payment fines will be incurred. A breakdown of team balances is attached and will be sent to team reps by email by div reps in due course. Kindly ensure all outstanding monies are paid on or before the due date so the accounts for the season can be closed on 31 May 2013
YYL Division One
816 -30935.5
Club Albion -1800
Club Colts -2700
Club Wanderers -7300
Storehouse Squadron -100
Interglobo Colloids -4500
KCC Dragons -500
KCC Knights -1000
Swiss XI -150
USRC -5200
YYL Division Two
Antonhill -8200
Azzurri -3100
Corinthians -9600
French Kiss -1321
Storehouse Hearts -300
HKDC Mobsters -5700
Spartans -3800
White Youth -600
YYL Division Three
Crusaders -100
CS Old Boys -8900
GGFC -3600
Grasshoppers -100
HKU70s -2200
HOB -14600
Outward Bound -1040
Power 22 -9350
University -200
WYFC06 -2300
Yan Po -2500
YYL Division Four
CAPS -3600
Darts -600
Green Cypress FC -300
IES -4100
Youth Coaches -2794.5
Thank you for your attention.