Fine of $2,000 imposed for smoking at KGV |
Thursday 22nd February 2007 |
Fine of $2,000 imposed for smoking at KGV
On 8 December 2006, the Yau Yee League ExCo announced on the website that following repeated reminders and warnings, as well as complaints from the site management, it had decided to impose a $2,000 fine on teams in any cases where their players were found smoking at KGV.
The Disciplinary Sub-committee recently received a report that during a match on 11 February at KGV, a registered player of one of the teams was seen smoking, whilst watching the match from the sidelines. Having asked the team concerned to comment, the DSC has found that there is no reason to doubt the accuracy of this report, and has accordingly fined the team $2,000.
Teams are reminded that smoking is strictly prohibited on the premises of KGV. If further reports of players smoking at the venue are received and are found to be substantiated, the DSC will not hesitate to impose the appropriate fine. There are no exceptions to this rule, and teams should be in no doubt as to the consequences of failing to exercise proper management of their players in this regard.
We look to all teams to cooperate in keeping KGV smoke-free so that we can continue to use the venue for Yau Yee League matches. – Hon. Secretary Wilson Hon